Ghost in the Shell (Dubbed)
A female cybernetic government agent, Major Motoko Kusanagi, and the Internal Bureau of Investigations are hot on the trail of "The Puppet Master," a mysterious and threatening computer virus capable of infiltrating human hosts. Together with her fellow agents from Section 9, Kusanagi embarks on a high-tech race against time to capture the omnipresent entity. Director Mamoru Oshii's award-winning cyber-tech thriller, based on the comic book by Shirow Masamune, is lauded as one of the leading Japanese animation films of all time.
CAST: Akio Otsuka, Atsuko Tanaka, Kôichi Yamadera, Yutaka Nakano, Tamio Ôki
DIRECTOR: Mamoru Oshii
RUN TIME: 85 min